The Time Machine Film Review
If you were assigned to do the film review for The Time Machine, please add your review as a comment to this post. Post your review no later than midnight, Monday, November 17, 2006.
A good review will do the following:
Start with a short synopsis (summary) of the film (just the basic setting, conflicts and characters)
Address at least three criteria for judging a film (see below); explain how good a job you think the film did in each area
Include specific examples to support your judgments of the criteria
Make your review free of mechanical errors (spelling, capitalization, grammar)
Here is the list of criteria we brainstormed in class:
• Setting -- relative to the story
• Likeable and unlikable characters:
• Villain -- evil, cunning, stands above others
• Hero – saves people, super, courage, good, muscles
• Comedy/Comic relief
• Good Plot-easy to believe, good sequence, a lot happening, eventful, surprises/twists, good flow
• Special Effects -- believability, not overusing, relevant
• Camera angles/work (cinematography)
• Drama
• Editing/sequencing scenes
• Action
• Acting skills
• Sweet subtitles
A good review will do the following:
Start with a short synopsis (summary) of the film (just the basic setting, conflicts and characters)
Address at least three criteria for judging a film (see below); explain how good a job you think the film did in each area
Include specific examples to support your judgments of the criteria
Make your review free of mechanical errors (spelling, capitalization, grammar)
Here is the list of criteria we brainstormed in class:
• Setting -- relative to the story
• Likeable and unlikable characters:
• Villain -- evil, cunning, stands above others
• Hero – saves people, super, courage, good, muscles
• Comedy/Comic relief
• Good Plot-easy to believe, good sequence, a lot happening, eventful, surprises/twists, good flow
• Special Effects -- believability, not overusing, relevant
• Camera angles/work (cinematography)
• Drama
• Editing/sequencing scenes
• Action
• Acting skills
• Sweet subtitles
The movie "Time Machine" is a classic which includes a man named George who invents a time machine which is able to shoot himself into the future or back to the past. Some of the events that he is able to pass by are both the world wars and total destruction of the human race. His final destination lies in a woody area in the future where all of the civilization is young and beautiful and where the colors in the wild are very vibrant. The main character (George) is caught in a distressfull situation towards the end of the film where the blue monsters drag his time machine in to there layer and catch George off guard by leading him to where the time machine now rest. Once George is a finger-tips length away the blue monsters close the solid doors seperating him from his new found love "Weena" from him. The blue monsters finally gang up on George whos knocks a few off of him, jumps into the time machine and saves himself. Knowing that Weena is still in the future with no clue what happens George jumps back into the time machine where he brings some books to help start off the new civilization in the future.
The film itself was not a bad movie. I enjoyed it a lot and i was hoping that there was going to be a sequal or a second film that was about the future and how George was going to help out the building blocks for this new civilization. The plot was simple and very entertaining which made it a great movie and kept me awake the whole time. I also love how that even though this is a older film there is still a great amount of creativity that was put into it. Also, the special effects were not the greatest but due to the age of this film and the budget, I still think it was a great try. Even though todays grafics are cazy amazing i was able to take the decade in to consideration and look past what we have today in concerns of the special effects and look at the tiny model town/cars with red jello lava and be half way impressed. Overall I found this movie to be very entertaining and even though that is said i would not want to watch it agian unless there was a sequal or a second movie to it which concluded the first half.
By Dakota P-J, at Mon Nov 27, 06:09:00 PM 2006
Pat --
Your review is quite well written and thoughtful. (I love your characterization of Weena as a "beautiful simpleton.") I agree with your assessment of George as the hero, though I think you could have pointed out a couple of instances when he exhibited these qualities. You end with an excellent thought about the film's true villain.
By T Sale, at Sun Dec 03, 11:58:00 AM 2006
Dakota --
You give a lively summary of the film that includes a good sense of the excitement. You explained your judgments of the film well, though you could have given more specifics about why you reached those conclusions. What were some plot turns that kept you interested? What were some of the more creative moments? You did give one good example of the special effects.
By T Sale, at Sun Dec 03, 12:02:00 PM 2006
Sara --
Your review addresses some important features of the film. You were quite in tune with its themes, and you did a great job of connecting it to the '60s when it was made. The seemingly random comment about the war in South Africa was another example of how George's friends looked at the time machine only in practical terms (how could you make money from it or use it in the war), as compared to George, who has big, idealistic ideas about seeking knowledge and improving humankind.
By T Sale, at Sun Dec 03, 12:06:00 PM 2006
Steven C --
Your review give a good general reaction to the film. When you express your judgments, you need to give more specific examples from the film to support your conclusions. What were some of the other special effects? What was one scene where George did a good acting job? Describe the settings that you liked. Note that the future girl's name was Weena.
By T Sale, at Sun Dec 03, 12:09:00 PM 2006
Garrett --
You gave a good summary and made several good points in your review, such as the one about the lack of lava in Great Britain. I also liked your comment about the books representing the lack of learning from the past. Be sure to check your typing before you post.
By T Sale, at Tue Dec 05, 08:30:00 PM 2006
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