Mr. Sale's SF Blog

Monday, October 30, 2006

Planet of the Apes Film Review

If you were assigned to do the film review for Planet of the Apes, please add your review as a comment to this post. Post your review no later than midnight, Friday, November 3, 2006.

A good review will do the following:

 Start with a short synopsis (summary) of the film (just the basic setting, conflicts and characters)
 Address at least three criteria for judging a film (see below); explain how good a job you think the film did in each area
 Include specific examples to support your judgments of the criteria
 Make your review free of mechanical errors (spelling, capitalization, grammar)

Here is the list of criteria we brainstormed in class:

• Setting -- relative to the story
• Likeable and unlikable characters:
• Villain -- evil, cunning, stands above others
• Hero – saves people, super, courage, good, muscles
• Comedy/Comic relief
• Good Plot-easy to believe, good sequence, a lot happening, eventful, surprises/twists, good flow
• Special Effects -- believability, not overusing, relevant
• Camera angles/work (cinematography)
• Drama
• Editing/sequencing scenes
• Action
• Acting skills
• Sweet subtitles


  • In the Planet of the Apes a group of men travels through space at the speed of light, for thousands of years. They crash land on a mysterious planet and eventually stumble upon a culture where the roles of humans and apes are reversed. One of the men, Taylor, than tries to save himself from the extremely religious apes that believe he is an evil creature.
    The villain in this movie seems to be Dr. Zaius, the ape that seems most determined to eliminate men. Though I wouldn't necessarily say he is evil, he only tries to protect the apes from what he sees as a dangerous race.
    There were a couple moments that seemed to provide moments of comic relief. However, one of the funniest moments in the movie was probably intended to be serious, the moment when Taylor laughs at another astronaut for placing an American flag in the ground. A laugh he seems to overemphasize, and doesn't match the sound that we here.
    The special effects in this movie were probably good for their time in the late sixties. However, by today's standards they were not great at all, considering the mouths of the apes barely moved when they talked, and the teeth of both the ape costumes and the people wearing them were visible.

    By Blogger Kyle G, at Thu Nov 02, 07:47:00 PM 2006  

  • Kyle --
    You gave a couple of good specific examples to support your judgments. Your review could have been a bit more comprehensive -- perhaps giving additional examples of the humor or special effects, or adding an overall evaluation.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Nov 27, 04:45:00 PM 2006  

  • Mike--
    You gave a good thorough summary of the film and a couple of comments about the quality of the film. You needed to discuss more of the film's good and bad qualities to make a complete review.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Nov 27, 04:48:00 PM 2006  

  • Wes --
    You gave a short summary of the film, but you didn't explain your opinions of the film, good or bad. You need to give some examples to show how good or bad it was.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Nov 27, 04:52:00 PM 2006  

  • Alyssa --
    You gave a good summary and offered some specific details to support your judgments about the film. You explained your ideas we3ll.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Nov 27, 04:54:00 PM 2006  

  • Ryan --
    Your review is quite well written. You gave a thorough synopsis, and you explained your judgments well. I'm glad you rmjoyed the film.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Sat Dec 09, 02:59:00 PM 2006  

  • Planet of the Apes packed action, adventure, and futuristic settings, into a great, entertaining whole. It was definitely not a masterpiece, but, even after more than thirty years, it held up pretty well. The special effects were very tacky, but the props, costumes, and makeup are pretty well thought out. The apes look like advanced apes, not just men in monkey suits, and for the 1960’s, that’s what I expected. That, in fact, is a key to the film's success. The creatures are believable enough that we accept them, rather than laugh at them (for the most of us in class). For it’s time, I would imagine it was easily believable. It was weird, when I got home to write this review, on the history channel it played the very same movie after talking about Bigfoot. It was a great reminder!

    Overall I really liked the movie. For its time it had a great plot, and I’d never seen it before so I really loved the ending. I never would have guessed it to end that way. And in a few movies or TV shows, I can recognize more things they talk about because, oddly, they speak a lot about this movie in different entertainment on television. I enjoyed it very much. It pulled me into it right from the beginning, because it was different than anything I’d ever seen before.

    By Blogger KristenK, at Mon Apr 30, 06:29:00 PM 2007  

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