Mr. Sale's SF Blog

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow

If you are reading Ender's Game or Ender's Shadow, post your comments below. Remember to post a comment after you read each third of your book. Each comment should include the book's title, the portion of the book you read, and at least 10 response sentences. (Take a look at the list of Response Starters on this blog.) Your responses should show that you are reading and thinking about your book. When you finish the book, do a Final response. (Refer to your handout or the copy posted on the class web page.)


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    By Blogger T Sale, at Tue Oct 31, 09:03:00 AM 2006  

  • Ben --
    This is an excellent reading blog. Your comments are all specific and complete, and you have a good variety of comments. I can tell you're paying attention as you read. I look forward to reading your next blog.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Tue Oct 31, 09:05:00 AM 2006  

  • Ben --
    Your 2nd and 3rd reading blogs were just as effective as your first one. Even though there are still some things that mystified you, you made some specific observations and showed that you were tuned in to the book. Perhaps some of the other reading blogs will address some of your questions.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Nov 06, 07:45:00 PM 2006  

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    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Nov 27, 04:57:00 PM 2006  

  • Ben --
    I'm glad you liked the book. You wrote some great responses to it, perhaps because you were interested in it. I hope you enjoy reading the rest of the series.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Nov 27, 04:58:00 PM 2006  

  • Katie --
    You made some good specific comments and a couple of god predictions. In your nest novel post, try to explore the implications of some of the events and characters in the book.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Nov 27, 05:00:00 PM 2006  

  • Ender's Shadow Beggining

    I wondered why Poke didn't listen to Bean when he said to kill Achilles, even though he came up with the idea of getting a bully to protect them in the first place. I was confused by Bean's begginings. How could he have survived "The Clean Place" and being in a toilet specifically as a small baby? I noticed that Bean is very untrusting of everyone and tries to view the worst possible outcome. I really liked the way Poke's Crew became powerful because it showed that the Rotterdam crew scene would be changing, which I thought was kinda neat. I didn't like the way Achilles was able to fool everyone in Poke's crew because it made him to gain power that he would use to hurt Poke and Bean.
    An idea I found interesting was that once Rotterdam became "civilized", more food was available because more people were willing to donate money towards causes that helped the homeless children out. Poor Poke, I felt sorry that she was killed by Achilles before Bean could save her. An important scene was when Achilles told Sergeant what had happened to Poke because he then learned that Bean was right all along and he had also learned that it could have only been Achilles that could have killed Poke. I was confused by the language called I.F. Common. Was this language supposed to be english? Or was it supposed to be something else. I wondered why Sister Carlotta didn't do more to make sure that Achilles and Bean would be seperated.

    By Blogger tomatogangster, at Thu Nov 30, 11:46:00 PM 2006  

  • Katie --
    Your 2nd AND 3RD comments both showed good thinking, as well as close attention to the text. You made some good observations both about the characters' motivations and the author's handling of the story. Remember to do a final blog in which you give your overall throughts about the novel.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Sun Dec 03, 11:29:00 AM 2006  

  • Jake --
    Your first two comments are both excellent. You do a good job of referring to specific details in the book, and you express your thoughts about them well. I look forward to reading your comment for the last third of the book and your final comment about the book as a whole.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Sun Dec 03, 11:32:00 AM 2006  

  • Wes --
    Your comments all show good thinking about the book; you make some good connections with the characters. The Parts 2 and 3 entries wreen't as strong as the first one, but they were still pretty thorough. Remember to do a final blog entry about your overall opinion of the book.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Tue Dec 05, 08:39:00 PM 2006  

  • Katie --
    You made some excellent connections in your final blog about Ender. They definitely show the predictive power of SF.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Dec 11, 08:28:00 PM 2006  

  • Ender's Shadow middle

    I wondered why Nikolai brought up telling the teachers of Battle School about the password to Bean. I was confused by the conversation between Sister Carlotta and Anton. Why would intellegence and life expectancy have a indirect correlation? I noticed that because Bean tried to avoid Ender in order to not to be named "Ender 2.0", he became obsessed with with him and how he became so well liked. I really liked the fact that Dimak allowed Bean to make up the roster for Ender's army because this showed that Dimak was starting to see Bean's abilities and that he was capable. I didn't like that Bean blamed himself for Poke's death because he really had nothing to do with it, yet he brings it up on several different occasions. Poor Bean, I felt sorry that he found out that he was genetically enhanced. An idea I found interesting was that Anton stated that we are giving up knowledge for longevity. I realized that Bean sees everything without any bias and has a photographic memory.An important scene was when Bean realized that he had been placing too much importance on teacher evaluations, because he had been using them to judge his bunkmates and most of them were wrong about their character and usefulness.

    By Blogger tomatogangster, at Sun Dec 17, 07:44:00 PM 2006  

  • Ender's Shadow End

    I wondered why Nikolai was against being on Bean's private squad. Why wouldn't he want to be on his best friend's toon? I was confused by the teachers of battle school didn't do something to stop Bonzo sooner, even though there were alot of signs to lead them to believe that something bad was about to happen. I noticed that Ender becomes more and more demoralized as the book progressed, while Bean's outlook stayed the same. I really liked that Ender decided to give up his command to Bean in the battle room because it showed that Ender had alot of trust for Bean. I didn't like that Achilles was able to go to Battle School because he would only cause trouble and try to kill Bean. Poor Ender, I felt sorry that so much was demanded of him during the last few battles against the Buggers. An idea I found interesting was the Ansible. Would anything like it actually be created in the future? I realized that Achilles will probably try to kill Bean in later books. I was right about Bean setting Achilles up in the air shaft. An important scene was when Bean called out the Rabit Army to protect Ender because it showed that they were honest and loyal, which was good because Bean would be leading them in the future.

    By Blogger tomatogangster, at Sun Dec 17, 10:29:00 PM 2006  

  • Ender's Shadow Final response.

    The science fiction concept that was most prominent in this book was Xenophobia, because the whole book dealt with how the buggers would be finished off and fear of the buggers. I really liked that the book dealt with children instead of adults. It made the story alot more relatable to all readers in some way. One thing about the story that I really didn't like was it didn't go into much detail about why Achilles was placed into Battle School. I would recommend this book to my friends because it was really good about details and its easy to relate to and understand. I think that any type of reader would enjoy this book because of those aspects.
    I really liked this book and I'm going to start reading the sequel shortly.

    By Blogger tomatogangster, at Sun Dec 17, 10:49:00 PM 2006  

  • Jake --
    You did a good job conveying your thoughts about the book. It sounds like you made a good connection with the characters. Remember to do a final blog about your overall opinion of the book.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Dec 18, 01:26:00 PM 2006  

  • Homer --
    Your last 3 reading blogs show good attention to detail. You do a good job of expressing your ideas about the characters and the events in the book. You migt have talked about the extrapolations in the book, as well as the xenophobia. Note that "a lot" is two words.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Mon Dec 18, 01:31:00 PM 2006  

  • Jake --
    This is a pretty general final comment. You could mention more specifics among your likes and dislikes, and you could address some of the book's SF concepts.

    By Blogger T Sale, at Wed Dec 20, 04:22:00 PM 2006  

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