Planet of the Apes Film Review
If you were assigned to do the film review for Planet of the Apes, please add your review as a comment to this post. Post your review no later than midnight, Friday, November 3, 2006.
A good review will do the following:
Start with a short synopsis (summary) of the film (just the basic setting, conflicts and characters)
Address at least three criteria for judging a film (see below); explain how good a job you think the film did in each area
Include specific examples to support your judgments of the criteria
Make your review free of mechanical errors (spelling, capitalization, grammar)
Here is the list of criteria we brainstormed in class:
• Setting -- relative to the story
• Likeable and unlikable characters:
• Villain -- evil, cunning, stands above others
• Hero – saves people, super, courage, good, muscles
• Comedy/Comic relief
• Good Plot-easy to believe, good sequence, a lot happening, eventful, surprises/twists, good flow
• Special Effects -- believability, not overusing, relevant
• Camera angles/work (cinematography)
• Drama
• Editing/sequencing scenes
• Action
• Acting skills
• Sweet subtitles
A good review will do the following:
Start with a short synopsis (summary) of the film (just the basic setting, conflicts and characters)
Address at least three criteria for judging a film (see below); explain how good a job you think the film did in each area
Include specific examples to support your judgments of the criteria
Make your review free of mechanical errors (spelling, capitalization, grammar)
Here is the list of criteria we brainstormed in class:
• Setting -- relative to the story
• Likeable and unlikable characters:
• Villain -- evil, cunning, stands above others
• Hero – saves people, super, courage, good, muscles
• Comedy/Comic relief
• Good Plot-easy to believe, good sequence, a lot happening, eventful, surprises/twists, good flow
• Special Effects -- believability, not overusing, relevant
• Camera angles/work (cinematography)
• Drama
• Editing/sequencing scenes
• Action
• Acting skills
• Sweet subtitles